
Red Vein Treatment IPL - prices starting at €100

Package Deal 6 sessions €500

Red veins on the face, often called spider veins or thread veins are very common in people with fair skin and absolutely harmless. At Carlow Skin and Laser Clinic we use both IPL and diathermy to safely remove them.

How does Laser Vein Removal work?
The laser energy is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the vein causing it to collapse whilst leaving surrounding tissue unharmed. These veins will dissapear gradually over the next few weeks as they are absorbed and expelled from the body

How many treatments will I need?
Results can be seen after just 2 treatment although for maximum effect 4 to 6 treatments may be required.

What skin conditions can be treated?
IPL laser can successfully treat:

Spider Veins / Broken Capillaries / Facial Redness / Rosacea / Cherry Angioma


Red Vein Treatment Diathermy - prices starting at €95

Diathermy is a mild current used to caurtise the tiny capillaries visible on the skin. They are sometimes called thread veins or red veins. Diathermy can treat these visible veins on the face, chest & neck, it also removes blood spots from other area of the body. This treatment is most effective method of vein removal with 98% guaranteed after a treatment plan of 3 - 4 treatments.


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